' In istorie he [Poussin] always sought action, and he used to say that a painter ought on his own to choose a subject suitable for representation and avoid those that involve no action; and this is certainly how his compositions are. When reading ... histories, he used to make notes on the subjects and then avail himself of them as needed ...'
Life of Nicolas Poussin, Giovan Pietro Bellori, The Lives of the Modern Painters, Sculptors and Architects, trans. Alice Wohl (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005).
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Life of Nicolas Poussin, Giovan Pietro Bellori, The Lives of the Modern Painters, Sculptors and Architects, trans. Alice Wohl (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005).
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The "Surrender" of Culture, Red chalk on paper
See, for example, Henry Reynolds, The Other Side of the Frontier: Aboriginal Resistance to the European Invasion of Australia
(Sydney: UNSW, 2016), pp. 132-3.
'Outlawed in their own country, being hunted from the river and creek frontages'
Reynolds, The Other Side of the Frontier (Sydney: 2006), pp. 160-1.
Studies for, Gadigal Examining Clothing
Reynolds, The Other Side of the Frontier (Sydney: 2006), pp. 35-6.